Winter Mt Fuji Experts

50 alpine climbing ice climb Japan mt fuji winter asama yama

The real mountain, climbed properly.

We ran the first Winter Mt Fuji ascents for visiting climbers, and 15 winters later are still the only providers of ascents from November to March.

Where others avoid true winter, we don’t, finding this the time to see Mt Fuji at its alpine best.

+75 winter ascents, dozens of nights high on the slopes & every trip returned safely, our strategy and Himalayan pedigree lets us do what others won’t.

Mt Fuji Expertise

Knowing Mt Fuji; a database of conditions

The terrain and conditions on Mt Fuji climbing in winter are unique, and 15 years going up there gives us a huge base of data to pull from. We have years worth of records, images, weather reports and observations, plus the up to date input that only living near the mountain can provide.

Safety, safety, safety

In winter Mt Fuji is dangerous, and every year accidents happen with a lot of near misses. Normal levels of safety management are not enough for this sort of ascent, where the risks are more like a high altitude mountain, so we bring our full Himalayan experience to every trip.

Different trips for different teams

For some winter Mt Fuji is a speed objective, for others the place to spend time and absorb it. This is the ideal place to test and learn whatever your mountaineering level is.

Faster & Lighter

The rules of serious alpinism apply strongly to Mt Fuji in winter, so we use all the methods for trips to cover ground fast, safely & efficiently.

The Secret Sauce

Ever wonder why there’s so few reports of true winter success of Mt Fuji? What we know of climbing Mt Fuji in winter comes from the hard work of those who came before us and our own experimentation, and we keep our methods to those on our trips. By climbing with us you see how big alpinism really works, and how it’s not like most people think it does.

1 alpine climbing ice climb Japan mt fuji winter asama yama

Want to climb Mt Fuji in winter?

Talk to the only provider of trips to international climbers

Why we can do what others won’t



Himalayan Perspective

Mt Fuji in winter is like a 6000m peak, and anybody who says otherwise doesn’t know either. Our high altitude pedigree means we know what big mountains are like, and we have seen Mt Fuji and both it’s best and worst.



Alpine Style

We climb Mt Fuji how she was meant to be climbed, by the most elegant and direct line, forgoing the ugly infrastructure. We use routes developed over years, adapted to the conditions, to be safe and fast and have contingency for a safe descent.



Proper Alpine Technique

This is not a hike, this is real alpine climbing, and we use exactly the same methods we use in Tibet & the Karakoram. This means moving fast, with the correct alpine gear, and optimizing on conditions to reduce risk and wasted energy.



Keeping Everybody Safe

What we started others have followed, but we can only be accountable for the trips we run, and though we work with the Yamanashi police, how we do things we keep guarded so that others don’t try what they don’t know the finer details of.

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NOTICE: Mt Fuji in winter is serious climbing, it is not a place to be in sneakers. Sources that say it is easy and things like taxis will go there are talking about summer, not between October & April. Every year there are accidents because people are unprepared, unlucky or under-estimate the conditions. We cannot advise on trips we are not running, and our teams cannot take responsibility for others not on our remit. This includes rides back to town. Unless a genuine emergency, we cannot be responsible for the misadventures of other climbers.