Climbing Mt Fuji in Winter – 12 Questions

12 Questions About Climbing Mt Fuji in Winter

Climbing Mt Fuji in Winter – in December, January & February – is not to be taken lightly, and the more questions we answer here the better things go on the mountain. As the only company running winter climbing trips on Mt Fuji’s slopes as well as trips to the Himalayas, we answer these exact questions all the time.

real climbing mt fuji winter

What is a true winter ascent of Mt Fuji?

Not everything called a winter ascent really is one


climbing Mt Fuji December January February winter

How Hard is Climbing Mt Fuji in Winter?

The effort, the cold & the altitude


climbing Mt Fuji Winter December January Februarywinter asama yama

Is Mt Fuji in Winter Dangerous?

Avalanches, rock fall & slipping


climbing Mt Fuji Winter December January Februarywinter asama yama

Is Climbing Mt Fuji Best in December, January or February?

Different months for different experience


climbing Mt Fuji Winter December January February

Is Mt Fuji Closed for Climbing in Winter?

The rules and how they are applied


climbing Mt Fuji Winter December January February

How Long Does Climbing Mt Fuji in Winter Take?

The time, the schedule & the limits


climbing Mt Fuji Winter December January February

Can We Camp on Mt Fuji in Winter?

We we can, where we can’t & what it’s like.


climbing Mt Fuji Winter December January February

Is Mt Fuji in Winter Like Mt Everest?

The height gain, the winds & the style – not as crazy as it sounds


climbing Mt Fuji Winter December January February

Does Mt Fuji in Winter Need a Climbing Permit?

The right paperwork with the authorities


climbing Mt Fuji Winter December January February

Are There Taxis Up Mt Fuji in Winter?

The reality of transport to Mt Fuji mid-winter


climbing Mt Fuji Winter December January February

What About Accidents Climbing Mt Fuji in Winter?

It’s never happened to us, but it does happen


climbing Mt Fuji Winter December January February

Is Mt Fuji in Winter Hiking?

When hiking becomes climbing


climbing Mt Fuji Winter December January February

Can We See the Sunrise From the Summit of Mt Fuji in Winter?

What being on top of Mt Fuji at dawn takes.